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KnowledgeManagement - پایگاه مقالات علمی مدیریت
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  • Title: An Aggregated Fuzzy Model for the Selection of a Managed Security Service Provider
    Authors: Alireza Shahrasbi, Mehdi Shamizanjani, M. H. Alavidoost and Babak Akhgar (A.shahrasbi@ut.ac.ir)
    Subject: Information and knowledge management
    Publish: 2017
    Status: full text
    Source: International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making (DOI: 10.1142/S0219622017500158)
    Preparation: Scientific Database Management Journal Articles www.SYSTEM.parsiblog.com
    In this study, by analyzing the related literature, the companies providing security services and, more importantly, the data provided by a group of experts, a novel set of 39 criteria is extracted which assists the Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) selection process. The set is further categorized into eight general classes. The validity and weights of these criteria are measured by a group of experts in Iran. Due to the large number and often conflicting criteria, and the qualitative nature of the evaluations of the service providers, fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making methods (FMCDM) are adopted. In order to demonstrate the application of the proposed model, a numerical example is included, in which eight service providers are evaluated by four decision makers applying fuzzy TOPSIS, fuzzy VIKOR, fuzzy Group ELECTRE, and fuzzy SAW methods. Owing to the variations of the outputs of the applied MCDM methods, they are further analyzed by an aggregation method to propose a unique service provider. A comparison between the output of the aggregation method and the four applied Fuzzy MCDM methods is also made with the help of Euclidean, Hamming, Manhattan and Chebyshev distances. The comparison shows the minimum diversion between the outputs of the Fuzzy TOPSIS and the aggregation method, which indicates the appropriateness of the fuzzy TOPSIS method in this particular problem.
    Key words: Managed security service provider selection; Information technology services outsourcing; Security outsourcing; Fuzzy multi-criteria decision making; Aggregation method; MCDM methods comparison

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    روح الله تولّایی ::: شنبه 96/3/20::: ساعت 7:5 عصر
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    Title: A Practical Framework for Documentation of Experience and Knowledge Acquisition of Experts in Organiza 

    Authors: Ruhollah Tavallaee & Mohammad Mehdi Rashidi

    Subject: Knowledge management

    Publish: 2010 

    Status: full text

    Source: ICBER 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISI Proceeding 

    Preparation: Scientific Database Management Journal Articles www.SYSTEM.parsiblog.com 

    Abstract: Now a day one of the main concerns of organizations is the issue of high experienced managers and experts who are transferring from their company imposes a big loss on organization. while effective performance of an organization in a competitive situation depends highly on awareness of past mistakes and learning from them .Documenting intangible experience of the expert paves the way for organizational learning and consequently better performance of organization. 

    In order to acquisition, documentation and codification, transfer, share and use of the organizational experience, we need to have a suitable and practical model with high validity. This article offers a practical framework to acquisition and document knowledge from experience of the experts in the organizations. This model has experimentally been used by institute for international energy studies (IIES) for acquisition and documenting experience of 45 experts and managers of Islamic Republic of Iran’s petroleum industry and necessary modifications of the model have been done based on obtained results. this model includes five main stages: 1 - recognition, 2 –training, 3 - knowledge acquisition, 4–knowledge editing, 5 – knowledge management data base designing and knowledge electronic packaging.

    Keywords: Knowledge, experience, knowledge acquisition, knowledge management, documentation, petroleum industry, I.R.Iran.

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    روح الله تولّایی ::: سه شنبه 91/6/14::: ساعت 11:0 صبح
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    Title: Alternative Knowledge Strategies, Competitive Environment, and Organizational Performance in Small Manufacturing Firms
    Authors: Bierly, Paul E., Daly, Paula S
    Subject: Knowledge management
    Publish: 2007
    Status: full text
    Source: Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice; Jul2007, Vol. 31 Issue 4, p493-516
    Preparation: Scientific Database Management Journal Articles www.SYSTEM.parsiblog.com
    Abstract: This study examines the relationship between knowledge strategy (exploration or exploitation) and performance, and the possible moderating role of external environment variables. Results from a sample of small manufacturing firms indicate that exploration and exploitation are distinct and complementary constructs. The relationship between exploration and performance is linear and positive, while the relationship between exploitation and performance is concave, indicating that there is a point at which focusing on exploitation leads to reduced returns. Additionally, we find that the competitive environment moderates the relationship between exploitation and performance, such that exploitation has a stronger impact on performance in stable and high-tech environments than in dynamic and low-tech environments. Exploration also has a stronger impact on performance in high-tech environments than in low-tech environments.

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    روح الله تولّایی ::: یکشنبه 89/2/19::: ساعت 11:0 صبح
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    Title: Aligning Knowledge Strategy and Knowledge Capabilities
    Authors: Casselman, R. Mitch, Samson, Danny
    Subject: Knowledge management
    Publish: 2007
    Status: full text
    Source: Technology Analysis & Strategic Management; Jan2007, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p.69-81
    Preparation: Scientific Database Management Journal Articles www.SYSTEM.parsiblog.com
    Abstract: This paper outlines a framework that links knowledge strategy and knowledge capabilities in a similar way as prior studies for the more generic concepts of strategy and capabilities. Existing theory in knowledge strategy is fragmented and focused on competitive positioning. We utilize concepts of good strategic management and the theory of the firm to place knowledge strategy on a more theoretically sound basis. This expands knowledge strategy beyond competitive positioning to include internal organization and the boundaries of the firm. This expanded view of knowledge strategy is compared to a conceptualization of knowledge capabilities that focuses on different capabilities for internal, collaborative and competitive situations. Using this perspective highlights the interconnection between knowledge capabilities and knowledge strategy—they are often jointly determined. It also provides a basis for integrating competence- and knowledge-based views of the firm in an empirically testable model. Suggestions for further research are proposed.
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    روح الله تولّایی ::: یکشنبه 89/2/5::: ساعت 11:0 صبح
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    Title: What"s Your Strategy for Managing Knowledge
    Authors: Hansen, Morten T., Nohria, Nitin, Tierney, Thomas
    Subject: Knowledge management
    Publish: 1999
    Status: full text
    Source: Harvard Business Review, 00178012, Mar/Apr99, Vol. 77, Issue 2
    Preparation: Scientific Database Management Journal Articles www.SYSTEM.parsiblog.com 
    Abstract: The rise of the computer and the increasing importance of intellectual assets have compelled executives to examine the knowledge underlying their businesses and how it is used. Because knowledge management as a conscious practice is so young, however, executives have lacked models to use as guides. To help fill that gap, the authors recently studied knowledge management practices at management consulting firms, health care providers, and computer manufacturers. They found two very different knowledge management strategies in place. In companies that sell relatively standardized products that fill common needs, knowledge is carefully codified and stored in databases, where it can be accessed and used - over and over again - by anyone in this organization. The authors call this the codification strategy. In companies that provide highly customized solutions to unique problems, knowledge is shared mainly through person-to-person contacts; the chief purpose of computers is to help people communicate. They call this the personalization strategy. A company"s choice of knowledge management strategy is not arbitrary - it must be driven by the company"s competitive strategy. Emphasizing the wrong approach or trying to pursue both can quickly undermine a business. The authors warn that knowledge management should not be isolated in a functional department like HR or IT. They emphasize that the benefits are greatest - to both the company and its customers - when a CEO and other general managers actively choose one of the approaches as a primary strategy.

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    روح الله تولّایی ::: یکشنبه 88/12/23::: ساعت 8:38 عصر
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    Title: Management strategies for individual knowledge and organizational knowledge
    Authors: Ganesh D. Bhatt, Ganesh D. Bhatt is Assistant Professor, Department of Information Science and Systems, Morgan State University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
    Subject: Knowledge management
    Publish: 2002
    Status: full text
    Source: Journal of Knowledge Management; Vol. 6 , No. 1, Pp. 31-39
    Preparation: Scientific Database Management Journal Articles www.SYSTEM.parsiblog.com
    Abstract: In the present postindustrial society, knowledge has become a key resource. However, organizations face innumerable challenges in nurturing and managing knowledge. Unlike manufacturing activities, knowledge activities are difficult to monitor and control, because only a part of knowledge is internalized by the organization, the other part is internalized by the individuals. This duality between individual knowledge and organizational knowledge demands different sets of management strategies in knowledge management. This paper provides a framework that explores the differences between individual knowledge and organizational knowledge, and proposes a set of management strategies for knowledge management. The paper also discusses the ways through which an organization can transform individual knowledge into organizational knowledge.
    Keyword(s):Individual behavior; Information; Organization; Management

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    روح الله تولّایی ::: سه شنبه 88/11/27::: ساعت 8:58 صبح
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    Title: When knowledge management meets HR strategy: an exploration of personalization-retention and codification-recruitment configurations
    Authors: Boxall, Peter., p.boxall@auckland.ac.nz
    Subject: Knowledge management
    Publish: 2005
    Status: full text
    Source: International Journal of Human Resource Management; Nov2005, Vol. 16 Issue 11, p1955-1975
    Preparation: Scientific Database Management Journal Articles www.SYSTEM.parsiblog.com
    Abstract: The resource-based view and the knowledge-based view are important developments in strategic management theory, and "knowledge management" has exploded in the popular management literature. There is, however, little empirical literature that explores the connections between firms" attempts at knowledge management and their HR strategies. In this paper, we focus particularly on links between knowledge management and staffing practices. High-technology manufacturing was selected as the site of our research, as high-technology firms rely on highly skilled employees to innovate and develop new products and are therefore an ideal environment for exploring the strategies employed for both managing knowledge, and recruiting and retaining employees. Drawing particularly on the work of Hansen et al. (1999), this paper identifies and explores two fits between knowledge management and HR strategy or what we call KM-HR configurations: "personalization-retention" and "codification-recruitment". We argue that there is no one way to manage knowledge and its links to HRM and build a simple framework of potential KM-HR configurations with propositions for future research.
    Keywords: Knowledge management; human resource strategy; resource-based view; knowledge-based view; competitive advantage.   --Download Article.

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    روح الله تولّایی ::: یکشنبه 88/5/4::: ساعت 10:0 صبح
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    Title: Enhancing knowledge-based service quality: A knowledge management perspective
    Authors: Su, Hwan-Yann., Lin, Yichen
    Subject: Knowledge management
    Publish: 2006
    Status: full text
    Source: Service Industries Journal; Oct2006, Vol. 26 Issue 7, p787-800

    Preparation: Scientific Database Management Journal Articles www.SYSTEM.parsiblog.com
    Abstract: The research proposes a framework of corporate knowledge management for enhancing knowledge-based service quality of franchise stores in the service industries. Knowledge management can provide businesses with many competitive advantages including average level of knowledge enhancement, service quality improvement, cost and time reductions, strengthened relationships among colleagues and quicker knowledge creation. The proposed framework emphasises the link between knowledge management and corporate mission and vision. Understanding the importance of enhancing knowledge-based service quality and competitive advantage, a framework and a case study demonstrating and explaining how it operates are provided in detail to encourage businesses to implement knowledge management.   --Download Article

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    روح الله تولّایی ::: یکشنبه 88/4/28::: ساعت 1:35 عصر
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    Title: From Quality Management to Knowledge Management in Research Organisations
    Subject: Knowledge management
    Publish: 2006
    Status: full text
    Source: International Journal of Innovation Management; Jun2006, Vol. 10 Issue 2, p197-215
    Preparation: Scientific Database Management Journal Articles www.SYSTEM.parsiblog.com
    Abstract: Some scholars have recognized the important role of publicly funded basic research (Salter, AJ and BR Martin (2001). Research Policy, 30(3), 509–532; Szulanski, G (2000). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 82(1), 9–27) for the production of knowledge. Among the identified benefits is an increase in "the stock of useful knowledge" available to society, which could be used for innovation and in this way contribute to economic growth (Szulanski, G (2000). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 82(1), 9–27). Thus, it is important to support scientific activities. We claim that a way to support them is to use quality management complemented by knowledge management as a way of improving the process followed when carrying out research activities. Consequently, we studied the methods used while implementing a quality management system within various research organisations. This lead us to propose an approach which integrates quality management and knowledge management as a way to support the scientific activity.
    Keywords: Quality management; knowledge management; research laboratories; capitalisation; basic research.    --Download Article

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    روح الله تولّایی ::: چهارشنبه 88/4/24::: ساعت 10:0 صبح
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    موضوع مقالات: Knowledge management

    Title: Effect of Knowledge Management Systems on Operating Performance: An Empirical Study of Hi-Tech Companies using the Balanced Scorecard Approach
    Authors: Pang-Lo Liu1, Chih-Hung Tsai
    Subject: Knowledge management
    Publish: 2007
    Status: full text
    Source: International Journal of Management; Dec2007, Vol. 24 Issue 4, p734-743
    Preparation: Scientific Database Management Journal Articles www.SYSTEM.parsiblog.com
    Abstract: Since the development of information technology and the use of web-based information systems by firms, business management methods have become more sophisticated, leading to significant changes in high-tech business models. To deal with globalization, Taiwan"s hi-tech enterprises have gradually adopted information technology to shorten manufacturing processes, reduce cost, increase flexibility, and improve product quality and service quality to increase their overall international competitiveness. Many of them, in consequence, have integrated their internal and external resources, and introduced knowledge management (KM) systems to improve their operating performance. In the present study, which utilized the balanced scorecard (BSC) approach to investigate the effects of the introduction of a knowledge management system on operating performance, 560 managers from major Taiwanese hi-tech companies competed a specially-designed questionnaire. The results showed that after introducing knowledge management there was a 5% to 10% improvement in performance in the customer financial, and internal business process areas and a 10% to 15% improvement in performance in the learning and growth area, suggesting that the knowledge management systems that were introduced had a positive effect on operating performance.   --Download Article

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    روح الله تولّایی ::: دوشنبه 88/4/22::: ساعت 10:0 صبح
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    موضوع مقالات: Knowledge management

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    KnowledgeManagement - پایگاه مقالات علمی مدیریت
    روح الله تولّایی
    ..::""بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم""::.. ««لکل شی‏ء زکات و زکات العلم نشره»» - دانش آموخته دکتری تخصصی مدیریت تولید و عملیات دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی و فارغ التحصیل فوق لیسانس رشته مدیریت صنعتی و معارف اسلامی دانشگاه امام صادق علیه السلام هستم. پس از سال ها پریشانی از " فقدان استراتژی کلان علمی" که خود مانع بزرگی سر راه بسیاری از تدابیر کلانِ بخشی محسوب می شد، هم اکنون با تدبیر حکیمانه مقام معظم رهبری چشم انداز 20 ساله جمهوری اسلامی ایران مبنای ارزشمندی است که بر اساس آن بتوان برای تعیین تکلیف بسیاری از تصمیمات و امور بر زمین مانده چاره اندیشی کرد. در ابتدای این چشم انداز آمده است : " ایران کشوری است با جایگاه اول علمی ، اقتصادی، ..." مشاهده می شود که کسب جایگاه نخست در حوزه های علم و دانش، آرمان مقدم کشورمان می باشد. این حقیقت، ضرورت هدایت دغدغه خاطرها و اراده ها و توانمندی ها به سوی کسب چنین جایگاهی را روشن می سازد. جهت دستیابی به این چشم انداز، برنامه ریزی ها، تصمیم گیری ها، تدارک ساز وکارهای متناسب و اولویت بندی آن ها، تعاملات و تقسیم کارها و ... جزء اصول و مبانی پیشرفت و توسعه تلقی می شوند. اولین گامی که جهت توسعه دادن مرزهای علم باید طی کرد، یادگیری حدود مرزهای علم می باشد. بر این اساس اینجانب به همراه تعدادی از دوستانم در دانشگاه امام صادق(ع) و دیگر دانشگاه ها جهت ایجاد یک حرکت علمی و ایفای نقش در جنبش نرم افزاری تولید علم بوسیله معرفی سرحد مرزهای علم و دانش ، اقدام به راه اندازی "پایگاه مقالات علمی مدیریت" نمودیم. هم اکنون این پایگاه بیش از 4200 عضو پژوهشگر و دانشجوی مدیریت دارد و مشتاق دریافت مقالات علمی مخاطبین فرهیخته خود می باشد. کلیه پژوهشگران ارجمند میتوانند جهت ارسال مقالات خود و یا مشاوره رایگان از طریق پست الکترونیک tavallaee.r@gmail.com مکاتبه نمایند.


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