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Strategic Management - پایگاه مقالات علمی مدیریت
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  • Title: Strategic Management and the Performance of Public Organizations: Testing Venerable Ideas against Recent Theories
    Authors: Meier, Kenneth J., O"Toole Jr., Laurence J., Boyne, George A., Walker, Richard M
    Subject: Strategic Management
    Publish: 2007
    Status: full text
    Source: Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory; Jul2007, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p357-377
    Preparation: Scientific Database Management Journal Articles www.SYSTEM.parsiblog.com
    Abstract: Miles and Snow, among others, argue that strategy content is an important influence on organizational performance. Their typology, applied recently to public organizations in the United Kingdom, divides strategic actors into four general types: prospectors, defenders, analyzers, and reactors. This article begins by integrating work on strategy content or strategic management into the O"Toole-Meier formal theory of public management. This study shows that strategy content is a subset of generally accepted management functions in public organizations. The article then proceeds to test the strategic management concepts in a large, multiyear sample of public organizations. The results show that strategy can be separated out from other elements of management for a distinguishable assessment of its impact on organizational performance. Unlike the predictions of Miles and Snow and the empirical findings of Boyne and Walker, however, we find that the defender strategy is the most effective for the primary mission of the organization and that the prospector and reactor strategies work best in regard to the goals of the more politically powerful elements of the organization"s environment.  --Download Article

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    روح الله تولّایی ::: سه شنبه 88/8/12::: ساعت 9:0 صبح
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    Angwin, Duncan1 duncan./ Paroutis, Sotirios, sotirios./ Mitson, Sarah
    Subject: Strategic Management
    Publish: 2009
    Status: full text
    Source: California Management Review; Spring2009, Vol. 51 Issue 3, p74-94
    Preparation: Scientific Database Management Journal Articles www.SYSTEM.parsiblog.com
    Abstract: This article reports on functional executives and the importance of strategy in management. The role of strategists in business operations is changing due to shifting social and environmental processes. The article discusses organizational change in the U.S. and Great Britain and how these Senior Strategy Directors (SSDs) are involved in the connectedness of strategy, as well as their business contributions, capabilities, and activities. Information is also provided on management teams, job titles, diplomacy, and job stress. --Download Article

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    روح الله تولّایی ::: یکشنبه 88/8/3::: ساعت 10:0 صبح
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    Title: Survey of Recent Developments in Strategic Management: Implications for Practitioners
    Kukalis, Sal
    Subject: Strategic Management
    Publish: 2009
    Status: full text
    Source: nternational Journal of Management; Apr2009, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p99-106
    Preparation: Scientific Database Management Journal Articles www.SYSTEM.parsiblog.com
    Abstract: his paper is a survey of recent developments in the field of strategic management. Specifically, this paper argues that recent political, economic, and social changes, among other things, have had relatively little impact on operations in organizations, but have made a big difference to the planning and strategic aspects of management. The analysis and synthesis of the recent developments in strategic management developed in this paper argues that strategic management is entering "a new era" in which (1) stakeholders interests are more important than before and (2) there is a greater concern for social responsibility than ever before. According to the analysis, these features of the new era are deep and pervasive trends that are much more than just responses to recent events such as corporate scandals.     --Download Article

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    روح الله تولّایی ::: سه شنبه 88/7/28::: ساعت 10:0 صبح
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    Title: Convergence and divergence issues in strategic management - Indonesia"s experience with the Balanced Scorecard in HR management
    Authors: Rhodes, Jo., Walsh, Paul., Lok, Pete
    Subject: Strategic Management
    Publish: 2008
    Status: full text
    Source: International Journal of Human Resource Management; Jun2008, Vol. 19 Issue 6, p1170-1185
    Preparation: Scientific Database Management Journal Articles www.SYSTEM.parsiblog.com
    Abstract: Globalization pressures escalate competitiveness and, in response, global companies tend to adopt a handful of Western management practices. One of these is the Balanced Scorecard. However, empirical evidence assessing the transferability and effectiveness of Western best practices into Asian countries is scarce. In particular, empirical evidence relating to the effectiveness of Balanced Scorecard implementations is limited, as is the impact of Asian Balanced Scorecard contextual variables. This article contributes to this gap through the study of a Central Bank of Indonesia (BI) Balanced Scorecard implementation within a conceptual framework that explores convergence and divergence of global management practices. The lessons learned discuss how divergent factors such as national culture, leadership styles, organizational culture and human resource management practices can influence Asian context Balanced Scorecard implementations.
    Keywords: balanced scorecard; convergence; divergence; HRM practices; strategic
    management    --Download Article
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    روح الله تولّایی ::: سه شنبه 88/7/14::: ساعت 10:0 صبح
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    Title: Strategic management tools and public sector managemen
    Authors: Williams, Wil., Lewis, Duncan
    Subject: Strategic Management
    Publish: 2008
    Status: full text
    Source: Public Management Review; Sep2008, Vol. 10 Issue 5, p653-671
    Preparation: Scientific Database Management Journal Articles www.SYSTEM.parsiblog.com
    Abstract: This article highlights the applicability and effectiveness of two well established strategic management tools, value chain and stakeholder analyses, in the context of seven public sector strategic consultancy projects. The article provides a strong justification for the use of both models, when used independently, but particularly in conjunction, as powerful strategic analytical frameworks that can significantly encourage and illuminate strategic discourses in public sector organizations. The article establishes that strategic tools such as value chain analysis, when applied in the public sector context, require significant adaptation to maximize their contribution to understanding a given situation. This study proposes that the strategic analysis of relationships that build or contribute to concepts of organizational value are of limited importance if the complex web of interdependent relationships themselves are not clearly demonstrated. This work therefore makes a clear case for applying two strategic models, value chain analysis and stakeholder analysis, in an analogous way to demonstrate how strategic understanding in the public sector is enhanced as a result of such symbiosis. Download Article
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    روح الله تولّایی ::: چهارشنبه 88/7/8::: ساعت 10:0 صبح
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    Title: Modern Strategic Management: Balancing Strategic Thinking and Strategic Planning for Internal and External Stakeholders
    Authors: O"Shannassy, Tim
    Subject: Strategic Management
    Publish: 2003
    Status: full text
    Source: Singapore Management Review; 2003 1st Half, Vol. 25 Issue 1, p53
    Preparation: Scientific Database Management Journal Articles www.SYSTEM.parsiblog.com
    Abstract: The later years of the 20th century were spent searching for new strategy paradigms as managers and researchers sought to resolve the intricacies of customising strategy process and content to context. In particular. this paper builds on a popular view in the strategy literature that all individuals in the organisation can think strategically, not just the CEO. In the modern organisation, all staff are encouraged to demonstrate autonomy and responsibility combining thought, and analysis, and action. In this context the paper goes on to explain the interaction of internal and external stakeholders in the organisation from the board of directors down to line management in an evolved or sophisticated strategy process. Contemporary definitions of strategic thinking, strategic planning. and strategic management are developed. Download Article
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    روح الله تولّایی ::: سه شنبه 88/6/31::: ساعت 7:45 عصر
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    Title: Differences Between Resources and Strategy in Strategic Management: An Experimental Investigation
    Authors: Oladunjoye, G. Titi., Onyeaso, Godwin
    Subject: Strategic Management
    Publish: 2007
    Status: full text
    Source: International Journal of Management; Sep 2007, Vol. 24 Issue 3, p592-604
    Preparation: Scientific Database Management Journal Articles www.SYSTEM.parsiblog.com
    Abstract: According to Jay Barney, resources and capabilities are the core of the resource-based view (RB V) of strategic management. However, the difference between resources and capabilities remains controversial among strategic management scholars. This study uses a classroom experiment to test for the difference between resources and capabilities to students. In a nutshell, the results of the experiment suggest that: (a) resources and capabilities are different constructs, (b) inter-group (inter-organizational) differences in capabilities is the major determinant of inter-group (inter-organizational) difference in performance, and (c) active participation of students in classroom experiments is a teaching tool that enhances students" knowledge of key strategic management constructs such as resources and capabilities. These findings suggest that strategic management professors should use classroom experiments as separate or complementary teaching tools to enhance students" knowledge of strategic management concepts.    --Download Article

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    روح الله تولّایی ::: شنبه 88/6/21::: ساعت 11:0 صبح
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    Title: Defining strategic ive: A methodology suited for public organizations
    Authors: Alogan, Güldal Büyükdamgaci1., Yeti?, Nüket
    Subject: Strategic Management
    Publish: 2006
    Status: full text
    Source: Total Quality Management & Business Excellence; Jul 2006, Vol. 17 Issue 6, p669-684
    Preparation: Scientific Database Management Journal Articles www.SYSTEM.parsiblog.com
    Abstract: In order to manage public organizations strategically, both the strategic management and the total quality management theory indicates a limited number of "strategic ives or goals" to be defined. These ives, which have to be specific but qualitative statements of commitment, constitute the vital foundation for defining strategic targets, hence for action plans, resource allocation plans, and budget preparation. However, defining strategic ives through ad hoc processes usually do not result in an effective set of statements. Through our training and consulting experience, gained in the midst of a wide and strong wave of re-shaping of public institutions in our country, we have come to develop a structured process for defining strategic ives. In this paper, we first review the strategic management literature in general, and with regard to methods for defining "the right" strategic ives. We then introduce a workable process that is participatory, creativity enhancing, and consensus building.
    KEY WORDS: Continuous quality improvement, public organizations, strategic management, strategic ives.   --Download Article

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    روح الله تولّایی ::: شنبه 88/6/14::: ساعت 9:34 صبح
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    Title: The structure and evolution of the strategic management field: A content analysis of 26 years of strategic management research
    Authors: Furrer, Olivier., Thomas, Howard., Goussevskaia, Anna.
    Subject: Strategic Management
    Publish: 2008
    Status: full text
    Source: International Journal of Management Reviews; Mar2008, Vol. 10 Issue 1, p1-23
    Preparation: Scientific Database Management Journal Articles www.SYSTEM.parsiblog.com
    Abstract: This paper analyses 26 years of strategic management research published in Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly and Strategic Management Journal. Through a content analysis, it studies the relationships between the subfields of strategic management. A multiple correspondence analysis provides a map of keywords and authors, and a framework to track this literature over the 26-year period. A discussion of future pathways in the strategic management literature is also provided.     --Download Article

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    روح الله تولّایی ::: شنبه 88/6/7::: ساعت 5:2 عصر
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    ..::""بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم""::.. ««لکل شی‏ء زکاه و زکاه العلم نشره»» به جامع ترین پایگاه موضوعی مقالات علمی مدیریت خوش آمدید. این پایگاه دارای بیش از 7000عضو پژوهشگر و دانشجوی مدیریت می باشد.

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    Strategic Management - پایگاه مقالات علمی مدیریت

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    Strategic Management

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    Strategic Management - پایگاه مقالات علمی مدیریت
    روح الله تولّایی
    ..::""بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم""::.. ««لکل شی‏ء زکات و زکات العلم نشره»» - دانش آموخته دکتری تخصصی مدیریت تولید و عملیات دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی و فارغ التحصیل فوق لیسانس رشته مدیریت صنعتی و معارف اسلامی دانشگاه امام صادق علیه السلام هستم. پس از سال ها پریشانی از " فقدان استراتژی کلان علمی" که خود مانع بزرگی سر راه بسیاری از تدابیر کلانِ بخشی محسوب می شد، هم اکنون با تدبیر حکیمانه مقام معظم رهبری چشم انداز 20 ساله جمهوری اسلامی ایران مبنای ارزشمندی است که بر اساس آن بتوان برای تعیین تکلیف بسیاری از تصمیمات و امور بر زمین مانده چاره اندیشی کرد. در ابتدای این چشم انداز آمده است : " ایران کشوری است با جایگاه اول علمی ، اقتصادی، ..." مشاهده می شود که کسب جایگاه نخست در حوزه های علم و دانش، آرمان مقدم کشورمان می باشد. این حقیقت، ضرورت هدایت دغدغه خاطرها و اراده ها و توانمندی ها به سوی کسب چنین جایگاهی را روشن می سازد. جهت دستیابی به این چشم انداز، برنامه ریزی ها، تصمیم گیری ها، تدارک ساز وکارهای متناسب و اولویت بندی آن ها، تعاملات و تقسیم کارها و ... جزء اصول و مبانی پیشرفت و توسعه تلقی می شوند. اولین گامی که جهت توسعه دادن مرزهای علم باید طی کرد، یادگیری حدود مرزهای علم می باشد. بر این اساس اینجانب به همراه تعدادی از دوستانم در دانشگاه امام صادق(ع) و دیگر دانشگاه ها جهت ایجاد یک حرکت علمی و ایفای نقش در جنبش نرم افزاری تولید علم بوسیله معرفی سرحد مرزهای علم و دانش ، اقدام به راه اندازی "پایگاه مقالات علمی مدیریت" نمودیم. هم اکنون این پایگاه بیش از 4200 عضو پژوهشگر و دانشجوی مدیریت دارد و مشتاق دریافت مقالات علمی مخاطبین فرهیخته خود می باشد. کلیه پژوهشگران ارجمند میتوانند جهت ارسال مقالات خود و یا مشاوره رایگان از طریق پست الکترونیک tavallaee.r@gmail.com مکاتبه نمایند.


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